Art By Random Man (Decorative text)

Arches Series (Early Work)

Arches01 top left - Priestess floating above the water part01 of the image. Fantasy art by Random Man.
Arches01 top right - Priestess floating above the water part02 of the image. Fantasy art by Random Man.
Arches01 bottom left - Priestess floating above the water part03 of the image. Fantasy art by Random Man.
Arches01 bottom right - Priestess floating above the water part04 of the image. Fantasy art by Random Man.
Arches 01
Image 01
These images were my first serious foray into the world of 3d computer imagery. They were an interesting experiment and helped me to develop skills. I have included 3 here out of the full series of 12 images. I have no intention of offering any of them as prints, they were a learning experience however I do not feel the work satisfies my current standards. I have included them purely as a historical comparision with the work I now produce.